Creating the Universe

Padmasambhava’s Copper Mountain Lotus Light Palace. 20th–21st century. Mak Dhog Aloobari, Darjeeling, India

Akaniṣṭha Cāmara Copper Mountain Lotus Light Palace monastery. Sikkim, India. Photograph by Susan L. Huntington, courtesy of the Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Asian Art.

Heaped treasure-maṇḍala offering. Kālacakra Tantric Institute, Ganden Khiid, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Cosmos emanating from a maṇḍala offering in a detail of a painting of Milarepa. Collection of the Hwajeong Museum, courtesy of The Hahn Cultural Foundation. After Tanaka, Art of Thangka, 111.

Array of offerings to Vaiśravaṇa. 18th–19th century. Collection of the Wellcome Library, no. 47097i. Used under Creative Commons Attribution Only [CC-BY 4.0] license.

Central image of Vajradhara. Second-floor shrine, Zurmang Shedrup monastery, Sikkim, India.

Composite of four Great Kings flanking entrance doorway in Cakravāla mural. 20th–21st century. Entrance vestibule, Trongsa Dzong, Trongsa, Bhutan.