The Icon and the Square

Prerestoration photograph of Andrei Rublev’s Old Testament Trinity with its oklad, or revetment, dating from the reign of Boris Godunov (1551-1601), 1904. From V.P. Gurianov, Dve mestnye ikony Sv. Troitsy v Troitskom sobore Sviato-Troitsko-Sergievoi lavry i ikh restavratsiia (Moscow: Pechatnia A.I. Snegirevoi, 1906).

Photograph of Andrei Rublev’s Old Testament Trinity without its revetment, before removal of layers of later overpainting. From V.P. Gurianov, Dve mestnye ikony Sv. Troitsy v Troitskom sobore Sviato-Troitsko-Sergievoi lavry i ikh restavratsiia (Moscow: Pechatnia A.I. Snegirevoi, 1906).

Detail of Mikhail Vrubel, Seated Demon, 1890. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Photo: author.

Detail of Mikhail Vrubel, Six-Winged Seraph (Azrael), 1904. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. Photo: author.